There are various things that can be the cause of kidney failure. Damage to these organs is a high risk for people who have certain diseases or unhealthy habits. Recognize what causes kidney failure and the steps you can take to prevent it. Kidney failure is a kidney disease that is quite feared. This condition occurs when the kidneys are damaged and cannot function properly. Kidney failure is usually the final stage of kidney disease, where damage to the kidneys is sufficiently severe or prolonged, resulting in permanent dysfunction. Before it's too late, find out what causes kidney failure and risk factors, and take preventive measures to reduce your risk of this disease. Risk Factors for Kidney Failure In general, kidney failure is caused by 3 things, namely direct damage to the kidneys, lack of blood supply to the kidneys, and blockages in the kidneys or urinary tract, so urine cannot be removed from the body. Based on the classification of the disease, kidney failure ca...